mkrz lab

Fake it till you MAKE it Poster

Mini Workshops

for Everybody!

Experience the power of creativity and playful making with our Mini-Workshops "Fake it till you MAKE it"

Join us and see how making raises your focus and creativity will be the catalyst for a brighter, more inspired day!

By the way don't worry, you will for sure MAKE it—there's no need to fake it.

Whether you’re looking to improve your cognitive skills or simply enjoy a creative and mindful experience, these workshops offer valuable insights and practical benefits.

The Workshops will take place in the Alternative Lab for Future Skills in the Tabakfabrik Linz (Haus Falk 4. OG) .

#Reflective Carving

Discover the meditative art of carving while reflecting on your inner thoughts.

We will carve a small object, sculpture, kitchen tool or whatever comes to your mind.

Sometimes we need creativity to solve problems, reflect on our thoughts or simply spend an hour or two immersed in doing something fun, relaxing, and inspiring without purpose or too much effort. We simply want carving to feel like a gentle brain massage! It is about intuitive carving rather than aiming for design perfection. Connect with the group and have some time to reflect in silence.

Everybody is welcome!!!

Reflective practice, Intuitive building, making small objects, brain massage, wood carving, small talk, meditation

Tuesday 02.07.2024, 17:30-19:00

Hosted by Martin Hochreiter

→ Join us!

#The Idea Catcher

Hand Knitted Collective Web for Ideation and Inspiration.

Do you know that repetitive movement helps your brain to slow down and help you to tap into a state of flow?

We will harness the power of knitting with our arms and using the potential of the repetitive movement of crafting a simple knot to calm our racing brains and allow our thoughts to emerge naturally and effortlessly. The brain does the work and you become the observer of your thoughts. Some of them are worries, others are memories, and others are great IDEAS!

And we will “Catch” them with the IDEA Catcher Net.

Brain relaxation, creative Ideation, collective building, simple architectures, webbing, knitting with the hand, reflecting, creative vibes, making skill boost

Wednesday 19.6.2024, 7:30-9:00

Hosted by Eleni Danesi
Workshop language is English

→ Join us!

#Attention Mapping

Building the Miniature World of Attention

We are not magicians but for sure you can expect some magic to happen. 

Did you know that creative mapping enhances your focus and mindfulness?

This workshop focuses on the science of attention harnessing our brain’s embedded ability to create mental maps of our surroundings. In our daily activities, it is important to notice the details that often go unnoticed and how bringing attention to these details can enrich your daily life. Whether it’s the thought flooding your body, a part of the city you love on your way to work, or the jokes of a friend that bring you joy, these details are so important for our daily routines and inherent rhythms. 

Through the art of miniature-making, you will materialize your observations and create a tangible representation of your mental maps. This hands-on activity will challenge your patience and precision, helping you build focus resilience and appreciate the power of detailed attention. 

Reflective practice, creative Ideation, prototyping, small objects, miniature worlds, creative building, focused attention, presence 

Tuesday 25.6.2024, 7:30-9:00

Hosted by Eleni Danesi
Workshop language is English

→ Join us!

#WooD-woo Magic

Crafting objects of care

Do you believe in MAGIC?

We are not magicians but you can expect some magic to happen in our mini-workshops. 

Combining embodied practices with ideation, creative building, and prototyping this series of short workshops aims to bring awareness to the underlying processes that accompany our daily decisions and actions. Where our attention goes, our energy flows…or gets wasted!

This workshop will reflect on the notion of CARE, a very important act towards others and ourselves. Starting with embodied awareness you will reflect on how you perceive, receive, and offer “care” and you will craft a special object that reflects your values. This process will stand as a great reminder of what priorities you set in your day and as a kind gesture of not forgetting to nurture yourself! Expect some clarity and intention for your next moves!

Body scan, Embodiment, Reflective practice, Brain relaxation, creative Ideation, creative building, warm vibes, joyful woodwork 

Tuesday, 2.7.2024, 7:30-9:00

Hosted by Eleni Danesi
Workshop language is English

→ Join us!


Bring some love and JOIN US!

Treffpunkt: Tabakfabrik Linz, Haus Falk 4OG, mkrz-Alternative Lab for Furture Skills

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei und steht jeder interessierten Person ab 18 Jahren offen.

Bitte kommt in gemütlicher Kleidung, auf die Ihr nicht sonderlich achten müsst. Umkleiden sind ggf. direkt nebenan vorhanden und es braucht keine Arbeitskleidung sein!
Mit eurer Anmeldung stimmt ihr der Kontaktaufnahme durch mkrz lab bezüglich ihrer Workshops zu.

Die Workshopreihe ist Teil unseres FFG Impact Innovation Projekts Alternative Lab for Future Skills.

Mit Unterstützung von:

FFG Forschung wirkt.


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Du findest unser Alternative Lab for Future Skills in der Tabakfabrik Linz:

Peter-Behrens-Platz 3
Haus Falk 4. OG
4020 Linz

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